When you’re looking to optimise existing processes or innovate new solutions, you risk overcommitting time and resources if you go all in too quickly. 

Proof of concept or proof of principle is a sensible way to validate assumptions, demonstrate viability and highlight unforeseen risks, in a budget and resource-controlled environment.

Whether you’re innovating products to demonstrate to external stakeholders or you’re looking to gain support and investment in-house, engaging your stakeholders in a proof of concept gives both you and them confidence in your ideas. 


Use of an PoC or MVP to overcome barriers 

Both Proof of Concept (PoC) and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) are excellent approaches when you’re innovating around a new product or process. controlled testing helps you learn, iterate and demonstrate that your idea is feasible.

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How we do it 

  • Workshop 
    We bring your team together with a range of technical experts to understand exactly what needs to be tested to validate assumptions. We will help you understand where your concepts may have technical uncertainty that needs to be resolved. We will help you understand your high level requirements and select which areas need to be completed before you have a workable product. We will ensure that these experiments are all done within any existing technical or visual constraints, highlighting potential challenges if needed.

  • Roadmap 
    Once we establish the technical and requirement or market experiments that are needed, we will work with you to develop a delivery roadmap. This will demonstrate how your vision is likely to come to life and clearly shows what the most important deliverables are to validate the concept.

  • Build 
    We work with our clients to establish the most effective and efficient way to deliver the experiments focusing on delivering just enough to test the hypothesis. For example, with our HealthTech client, to test that a mobile app had a demonstrable business value we agreed to package their existing web application as a mobile app as a first step rather than building a stand alone app in the first instance. This let them quickly test the concept and understand what mobile device features were most important to their users before investing in building a mobile development team.

A problem shared…

Book a free consultation with one of our experts to find out how Headforwards can help deliver value to your business.

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