

Things we learned from Kelly Shungu’s HeadTalk “Breaking barriers and shattering the gender gap in developer roles”

Learn about the current gender disparity in the technology industry, its roots, and the even greater disparity facing minorities.

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Building IT into your business strategy 

Considering IT as a support function is an antiquated concept. And having a separate IT strategy neglects to consider how significant the advancement of technology has been in recent years. How should business leaders think about IT strategy? Our Lead Advisory Partner shares his thoughts in this article.

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HeadTalks Podcast Episode #5 | Technology Strategy and How to Get It Right: Peter Reed, Lead Advisory Partner at Headforwards

In this podcast episode, Owen Hodge talks with Peter Reed, Headforwards Lead Advisory Partner and former AXA Health CIO. They discuss the relationship between business and technology strategies, the importance of communicating the strategy, and the necessity to involve subject matter experts and process owners from the outset in digital transformation projects. 

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HeadTalks Podcast Episode #4 | Agile in Animation: Natasha Price, Producer at Engine House Animation Studio

Natasha Price, Producer at Engine House Animation, joins HeadTalks host, Owen Hodge to discuss how the studio stays ahead of ever-changing technology and talks about being accidentally agile.

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Case study

Caspian One: Developing a full pilot of an open banking solution

Headforwards partnered with FinTech and Broadcast Media Technology company, Caspian One to develop a full pilot of an open banking solution within a four-month timescale.

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Transformation through Tech: briefing for tech leaders

Pete Reed, former CIO for AXA Health and lead advisory partner for Headforwards hosted an exclusive briefing and roundtable to support business leaders engaging with Technology and Data strategy.

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Unlocking the Potential of your Software Development Team: Empowerment as the Key to Success

How to make sure you continue to lead your software development teams whilst empowering them? It’s all about navigating a path between being careful not to lean too far one way and lose control, or too far the other and hold too much control.

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Accelerating digital transformation in local authority

Digital transformations can drive efficiencies, cost savings and a better experience for residents and businesses. Headforwards, in partnership with Microsoft and Cornwall Council hosted a briefing for local authorities, local government and public services seeking to harness the power of digital and accelerate their transformation.

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HeadTalks Podcast Episode #3 | DevOps Capabilities: Chris Fayers, Senior Product Manager at Form3

Chris Fayers, Senior Product Manager at Form3, joins HeadTalks host, Owen Hodge to discuss all things DevOps.

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Rethinking innovation 

Searching for process and service optimisations within your organisation still needs an innovative approach that results in implementable projects that deliver a return on investment. 

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How to get real value from technology consultancy

Consultancy firms are full of industry expertise and experience, but that doesn’t mean the actual individuals or teams working on your business will have that. The real value that will deliver for your business will come from skills and expertise, not brand and scale.

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Six benefits of Quick Start projects 

Quick start projects are a great way for businesses to kickstart innovations, make progress fast and overcome limitations around team capacity and resource. Learn more about the benefits.

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HeadTalk | Kevlin Henney: Agility ≠ Speed

When does speed become too fast?

A HeadTalk hosted by an author, presenter, and software development consultant Kevlin Henney.

Kevlin Henney believes our obsession with speed often overtakes the core values of Agile, and sprints should be less about sprinting and more about sustainable pace.

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HeadTalks Podcast Episode #2 | Agile Transformations: Mike Cairns, Head of Agile Delivery at Cornwall Council

How do you deliver Agile transformations in the public sector? Head of Agile Delivery at Cornwall Council, Mike Cairns joins HeadTalks host, Owen Hodge to share his experiences. From how they approached getting started, to overcoming challenges and the advantages of building advocacy.

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10 ways to strengthen your cyber position 

As technology evolves, so do the capabilities of those who sabotage systems. Strengthen your cyber security position and stay one step ahead of cyber threats with these 10 effective strategies.

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Why CEOs need fractional CIO services

Understanding technology, data and cyber is becoming an increasingly essential skill for all businesses and their leadership teams. The Fractional CIO role is there to help set strategy, advise and guide business leadership teams.

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Case study

How our approach to testing automation drove efficiencies for a big four client

Discover how our testing automation solution helped our big four client save time and resources while improving their overall testing process.

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Why you should invest in Cyber Security Services

Protect your business from cyber threat risks with highly effective cyber security services. Learn more about why investing in these services is essential for businesses of all sizes.

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Headtalk | Robert Lambert: How to thrive in your career

A well-known HR, Management and Business Agility coach, Rob Lambert takes to the Headtalks stage to talk about what you can do to thrive in your career.

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HeadTalks Podcast Episode #1 | The Future of Agile: Jon Dodkins, Technology Director at OVO

Headforwards Scrum Master and Agile Lead, Tom Clark talks to Jon Dodkins, Technology Director at OVO. They discuss all things Agile, and where the movement could go in the future.

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Webinar | Head to Head: Test Driven Development

Are you curious about Test Driven Development (TDD)? In our next webinar two of our team will argue its pros and cons. Don’t miss out!

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